I look up.
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
J.R.R Tolkien said that. What are we going to do with the time that God has bestowed on us? We are usually at church, doing something with the church or the youth, homeschooling, or this… fixing things that have gotten pushed back on the agenda, reading, play on a bike.
Luk takes his helmet off with wet hair underneath, “boy, I’m sweaty!” He says. Grateful. The sweat, the bodies trigger to cooling itself down. Art. God’s greatest masterpiece- us. The fall of man has created us into workers. Things will not coming easy that sweat pours down our face as evidence to it.
We work; we eat; we sleep.
Do we reflect? Do we see? Do we fix it?
This week has been a whole line of reflection of myself. We shouldn’t only reflect on New Year’s Eve because we need to make resolutions or because life has just gotten so disorganized you have to do something. No. As Christ followers, our reflection should be constant.
Marriage. The beautiful union between a man and woman joined into one flesh where they no longer have rights to themselves but to one another. I am his; he is mine. God is showing us a physical example of Christ’s love for the church. Man, how we screw that up. As I watch my car getting dissected two things come to mind: 1) I really hope it gets put back together right. 2) My husband is amazing and for those that are okay with the word, sexy.
11 years together almost eight years of them married, and we sure have changed! Both putting Christ in the forefront of everything we strive to do in this life. Everyday deciding that what we want to do with our time is be His. It’s not easy. Satan knows our battles our struggles, and he fights against us. However, if our God is for us who can even stand against us? It’s the little things really. When I see my husband working on a car, playing with our boys, mowing the lawn… sexy. When he fights for what he knows is right, when he protects us, when he prays for God to keep His hedge of protection over us… sexy. Appreciative. Thanksgiving. JOY!
The fallen world strives on stealing that joy! Be lazy, men. The women of today can do it themselves. Ladies, don’t let a man do anything for you. What a joy it is to submit. Head over back to the “and we sure have changed” part. =) Seriously. I never would have seen the joy in submitting. Sure, I knew it was right, but the action of actually doing it, JOY! I know I can fix my car speakers, but what it was wonderful seeing my husband do it. Sure, I can mow; I can work full time; I can do anything. I can even open up a jar of pasta sauce, but at the moment I hand it over to strong husband to open it, JOY! He grins, opens it, and hands it back to me. Simple joy. Joy in seeing that he KNOWS I want him around and his help.
His help. God wants us to want His help. I can TRY and put something together in my life, but at the moment I hand it over to Christ He assembles His plan together with His divine hand, JOY! He shines down on my life: proud, happy. His sheep is magnifying His glory and honor. JOY!
Christ and the Church, the union of man and woman. God’s example to us. What is our daily application? Submission to God’s will for our lives. We are firmly in His grip with no means of being plucked from it. Giving up ourselves to have Him lead our way. He holds us tight in His mighty power. Marriage. Bond. Oneness. It’s that example of that one person in your life to give JUST a glimpse into the example of Christ’s love for us. He will quickly show His divine love when disappointment comes or there are trials in a marriage. The fall of man, His grace shines upon us, and we move forward in His word. We change. We forgive. We love. We become more like the image of Christ.
Constant reflection… on me.