Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Housekeeping while Parenting

Has this been mastered, yet? When you have a wonderfully complex son like Logan I am not so sure that this can ever be figured.

He's trying to snatch my friend's purse.
So, if that gives you an idea, he likes to snatch things, and he likes to also give out a banshee cry constantly. We get stares on a regular basis. You know the ones that they think you are hurting your child. I have, unfortunately, heard, "Did mommy pinch you?" line far too many times.

He is child that God has blessed me with to expand my patience, and for that sanctification I give thanksgiving. I wait patiently for my first gray hair as I deal with his "mom-like" character.

While we have adopted a new routine for our new upcoming year; I seek to minimize clean up days. Each morning is started with Logan crawling into our bed at approximately 6:15a, followed by 30 minutes of cuddle time, we rise to begin this routine. We turn on our Action Bible, fix some breakfast, and get to the laundry. The older son rises demanding his share of breakfast, and gets his first correction of the day. I become distracted sorting through clothes, and the banshee emerges with only a mere half hour under my belt. It continues like this while I refuse to turn the TV.

The musical talents of Owl City and Chris Tomlin have become the background, and this affords me another half hour. The banshee cry shrieks  because the oldest has snatched a toy away, or has just decided to make a poor decision. So, I must give out the second correction. Another screech and the banshee has climbed up on the book shelf... and so forth for the next hour as he climbs the tables and attempts to reach the kitchen counter tops. He is finally forced into his crib screaming at the top of his lungs. He climbs out. At this point I have closed myself into the bathroom cleaning the shower liner, and soon I hear knocking... no pounding... on the door with screams of "Momma." I come out to see him run to climb back up to the place he was just corrected on, and so comes the spank and the room.

Believe it or not the laundry got done, the closets were cleared out, out grown clothes were bagged, and now the living room is a wreck. =D It's not unmanageable. So, with it being right at 10:15a, we do a quick clean up, and begin our homeschool part of the day.

Each day I seek the best way to parent while keeping the house in order. Seeking God's plan in moments like that are something that I pray for the night before because when the moments happen my sinful nature will try to win the match. Today, God had my iTunes shuffle to John Piper's sermon, "All Things for Good Part 1" and I am again reminded that because I love God and He has called me to His purpose I have a wonderful promise in store for me. It is at that moment that stop my working, and listen to truth.

I'm not sure that I will ever know how to juggle both these things, but I can pray each morning and evening for God to grant me peace, understanding, and mercy in the times that Biblical correction is needed. Every moment in motherhood is a teaching moment, I can only hope to be a good student to the life long lesson.

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